I enjoyed my walk in the woods last weekend and decided to do a repeat today...
Sometimes there was snow on the trail... |
Sometimes there was mud... |
Sometimes there was water to trudge through... |
And sometimes there was dry, grassy spots too. |
You have to admit that someone went to great lengths to make sure the trail was very walk-able...
During last weekends walk I came across tracks left by Stewart. Today there was no sign of 'ol Stew, but the big guy was on the move this morning...
After a while I found a place in the trees where the sun was breaking through that would serve as my lunch spot.
I believe one night I will hang my hammock in this very spot |
Isn't there just something fascinating
about watching water boil??
Just makes sense to have raisin tea biscuits with a cup of tea |
A fine view to have with lunch |
After lunch I pressed on down the trail a little further before turning back. I had my GPS with me and when I got back to the car I discovered I had walked twelve and a half kilometres!! Not really a great walk but that's the longest walk in the woods I have done in a very long time. I think I may be starting to find Dean of the Woods again...