If you just go for a paddle than you can stop thinking about wanting to go for a paddle.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

2016: Post 27 – Night Paddle

November 14th was the full moon in our area; actually it was a super moon!!  Last night was calling for very low wind and so ten of us met at St. Philips at 6:30 pm for a moonlight paddle.  I think we were on the water by 7 pmish and we paddled up to Topsail Beach. 

Most people brought a few bits of dry wood from home so we could have a little fire on the beach.  I got ready in a bit of a hurry and neglected to grab a few bits of wood I have lying around in my shed...

The ten of us huddled around the fire on the beach and we had a few good laughs.  It's always a fun time when this group gets together for kayaking adventures.  

I took a few pictures during the paddle with hopes to get a few that might turn out, but except for the ones I took near the fire, they were all just mostly darkness... 

Thanks to Tony for organizing this night paddle, and thanks to those who came along to share the experience.


  1. Dean, I found I had to get really close and use the flash to get any pictures at all.

    Tony :-)

    1. yeah, I try to get pics without the flash but it just doesn't work...
