I had a hiking overnight trip in my mind for this weekend. However, on Friday Clyde suggested another kayak camping trip (second weekend in a row, see previous post)... "The weather is good for paddling," he had said.
I contemplated passing in favour of the hike, but decided it was best to get in the paddling when the weather cooperates since August month is nearly gone! He sent out an invite to a bunch of people but we only ended up with two more paddlers. Four is a very good number for a little kayak trip.
We drove to Chance Cove for the put-in Saturday morning.
There was some swell along the way to Rantem Harbour, so paddling in very close to the shore to Rantem Harbour wasn't an option.
Once inside the harbour we were protected from the bigger swells.
We made our way down to Rantem to have a look..
We carried on...
Off the headland going into Little Southern Harbour a whale was spotted and we sat for a while waiting and watching..
Further along the shore I was ahead and spotted a nice beach for a little snack and a stretch.
Still further along there were eagles to be seen above...
... and caplin to be seen below. If my Grandfather was on this trip he would of cocked his head to one side and said, "Dean b'y, I tink der's millions of caplin down der..." and then he would of lowered his voice and, nodding slowly, said "... an' praps der's t'ousands too..." as he tried to contemplate how many more thousands was than millions...
Somewhere around mid-afternoon we landed at our campsite.
Per usual, the first order was to put up tents...
... but I brought my hammock on this trip and my new set of summer quilts to try out.
After supper we pitched in and gathered up some firewood for the evening.
Clyde |
Allison (The Lady of the Woods) |
Ken |
I awoke for the last time during the night just a little past 5 am, but stayed in the hammock, listening to the morning. I finally had to get out to pee and walked toward the beach to see if anyone was up....
I had the place to myself! I so love these mornings when I'm the first one out. I walked down the beach, then up the hill, following a game trail. It took me to a spot above our campsite...
Where there were blueberries trying to get ready...
And Partridge berries hanging around...
... trying to figure out where the blackberries went.
When I came back down I got my breakfast on the go. I like watching water boil in the great outdoors almost as much as I like looking into fire..
I noticed Allison's kitchen area, her artistic nature evident...
Not long after I had eaten, my companions were up and getting their own breakfast.
We left the beach camp at 9:30 am and paddled straight across the harbour. I was hoping to be able to handrail the coast between Chance Cove and Rantem Harbour and poke in here and there on the way back this morning. The wind had been forecast to be low, and it was, but the swell had intensified since yesterday. Six minutes and an hour later we were back at the slipway in Chance Cove.
Clyde and I did this trip last year and invited a bunch of people then too, but we had no takers! This year we had two. Perhaps they will spread the good word about how great a trip this is and next year we will have a couple more...
Back in town I dropped off Clyde, and I headed back to the house to deal with my wet gear...