If you just go for a paddle than you can stop thinking about wanting to go for a paddle.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

2013: Post 6 – Finally!

Well, we finally got away from the rut of paddling out of St. Philips.  The weather was looking good for today and five of us answered Tony's e-mail to paddle from Tors Cove to LaManche... 

It was a bit of an adventurous day.   Our lead car was pulled over on the drive down to Tors Cove, a set of car keys went astray while getting ready at the put-in,  there was a capsize, and one kayak almost landed on top of another while playing in some waves at Bauline South...

Some of my pics...

Gearing up


Clyde, Sean, and Hazen



Sean and Clyde

The bridge at Lamanche

LaManch River 

A beautiful spot for lunch

(Tony and Sean in foreground)

Tony and Tobias


But alas, the lead car was sent on the way with only a warning, the car keys were discovered before leaving the beach, the capsized paddler managed a self-rescue roll, and although the kayaks 'bumped' in the waves no one was injured.... 

Six of us left the beach in Tors Cove and six of us returned with memories of another adventurous day on the brine on a beautiful day in Newfoundland...  

Thanks guys for showing up and helping to break the St. Philips paddling rut of my first five paddles of this calender year.


  1. The capsized paddler was, of course, Dean himself. For the second week in a row he's done a combat roll to get himself out of a jamb. Great skill Dean.

  2. Perhaps I need to stop following Clyde!

    A roll is just as much for the benefit of causing paddling partners to not to have to come in to get you as it is for self preservation... hence, the necessity of practice.

    But the higher skill is in the ability to brace to prevent a capsize in the first place... And every person has the first 50% of the roll down already... so all that's left to do is the last 50% and then spit out the salt water...

  3. To the now named capsized paddler: Very skilled roll indeed, to my relief, as I already had my hand on my tow rope wondering how to get you out of there ;) PS: Would have been hard to brace with the bow on the rocks, the stern submerged and the boat at a 45 degree angle...

    To the paddler I bumped into: Oops, sorry...(though it was great ride on that wave)
